Class Agent: Angie Cobb Hammonds
I was just looking at our senior yearbook and laughing at the career choices we predicted for ourselves. John – did you really think you were going to be President? Some of them are right on - Jenny did become a nurse. All I can hope is that whatever path you wandered down, you are happy with the choice you made. I don’t know, some of us may still be wandering.
I know my own process was convoluted – Archaeology changed to a history major at Southern with a high school teaching certificate, to substitute teaching in Chattanooga, to medical billing in Chattanooga, to Elementary School teaching in Florida to put hubby through Law School, to being a church secretary, to being a clinical research assistant in a pediatric oncology center, to being a practice manager for a group of Pediatric Emergency Medicine physicians. Where I may say, I am thrilled to be – but it is light years away from Archaeology.
This is what this page is about – our path through life. We spent four years together. They may have been the best years, the worst years or the whatever years, but we were together. Most of my acquaintances can’t believe that there were less than 40 of us in our senior class. “You must have known everyone, then” they say. It was kind of hard not to. But now, 14(!) years later, we don’t know so much. So, this is your homework – send me an email, mail me a letter (thanks Heather! You’re next in line) – let us know what is going on so we don’t have to listen to rumors!
Angela Cobb-Hammonds (class of 92) married Christopher Hammonds (class of 93) in 1996 after graduating from Southern Adventist University with a degree in history. Through many dangers, toils and snares (not least, the death of their firstborn son, Tyler, in December 2004) the family is now planted in St. Petersburg, Florida, where Angie is working with a group of Pediatric Emergency Physicians at All Children’s Hospital, and Chris is a public defender at the Pasco-Pinellas Public Defender’s Office. Their second son, Braeden Fletcher Hammonds, was born on March 29, 2006. The family attends the St. Petersburg Seventh-day Adventist Church where they are active with the music department. Angie is the school board chairman and Chris is the religious liberty leader. Angie’s parents still live in Fletcher, and Chris’ parents just moved to Florida to be Braeden’s daycare workers. Angie’s brother, Chris (class of 94) married Leslie Powell (attended) and they live in Knoxville, TN.